About Us


Skills Ontario's mission statement is "to champion and stimulate the development of world-class technological and employability skills in Ontario youth.”  

Diversity, equity, and representation are top priorities for Skills Ontario. We are looking forward to continuing to work with communities across Ontario to ensure that we are providing equal opportunities for all youth and building a diverse and robust skilled workforce.

Find opportunities to join our team here!

Who we are

We are committed to preparing Ontario’s youth for the highly-skilled economy of tomorrow. We partner with school boards, colleges, small business, large companies, labour groups, and governments to provide opportunities for youth to explore and develop skills for successful careers in the skilled trades and technologies. With 35 years of experience, Skills Ontario is a province-wide organization with a grassroots connection into the many communities we serve. Our programs represent a long-term investment in the lives of all Ontarians. 

What we do

Skills Ontario is building Ontario’s skilled trades and technologies workforce.  We enable and empower all youth to consider a career in the skilled trades and technologies. Engagement with students, teachers, parents, guardians, volunteers, and guest speakers ensure our programs connect education, experience, and employment. We deliver in-school presentations across Ontario, host Canada’s largest skills competition, run summer camps for skills development and connect students to employers. We are focused on growth sectors such as construction and infrastructure, technology innovation, and hospitality services.