Agriculture in Canada Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Restaurant Manager, Chef, Agronomist, Food Scientist, Soil Scientist
Description A broad overview of Canadian agriculture including what grows where, uses of commodities, various production methods, and a general outline of issues in Canadian agriculture.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
Related Careers/Skills Biotechnician, Scientific Illustrator, Geneticist, Bioproduction Operator

Description Students will explore and understand the relationship between agriculture and plant breeding, genetically modified organisms and biotechnology. They will weigh a variety of perspectives on the issue of genetically modified organisms and their impact on human health, environment, and society
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
Business & Economics of Food Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Agriculture Equipment Technician, Baker, Marketing Manager, Social Media Specialist
Description Students will explore agriculture and food from a business perspective, including exploring the importance of marketing to the success of a business.
Materials No materials necessary
Careers in Agriculture Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Anything from plumbing, electrical, mechanical, scientific, government etc.

Description Students will learn about the exciting and vast opportunities that exist in the agri-food industry. Students will learn that no matter where their interest lies (whether they are interested in science or business etc.), there are exciting career opportunities in the agriculture sector.
Materials No materials necessary
Related Careers/Skills Climatologist, Soil Conservationist

Description Participants will investigate the interrelationships between food production and climate change.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
Conventional & Organic Agriculture Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Agronomist, Custom Pesticide Applicator, Chemical Technician, Scientist

Description Students critically examine both organic and conventional methods of production, focusing on the use of pesticides.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
DIY Facial Mask and Nails Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Esthetician
Description In this workshop, participants will make a homemade facial skin mask, apply it, and learn to paint their nails.
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 banana (organic preferred)
- ¾ cups whole milk
- knife
- small bowl
- measuring spoons
- blender
- nail polish
- timer/phone
- access to running water
- paint brush for mask application
- hair band
- nail polish base coat* & top coat
- Mirror
*If using nail polish base coat, please apply prior to workshop commencing.
- Knowledge of how to use a blender
- Basic knife cutting skills
Food Security Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Food Stylist, Policy Analyst, Food Distribution Coordinator, Supervisor

Description Students will explore the factors that contribute to local and global food security and critically review methods which work to eliminate food insecurity.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
Sécurité alimentaire
Please click "Francais" at the top right corner of this webpage to view all workshops being held in French.
Fruit Cutting Fondue Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Chef/Cook
Description In this workshop participants will learn how to create fruit critters and the perfect chocolate sauce to munch them with!
- cutting board
- sharp knife
- butter knives (2)
- apple
- banana
- stovetop
- saucepan
- mixing spoon
- sealable container or bottle for storage
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/3 cup water
- 1 cup half and half cream or milk (non-dairy is fine)
- 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Required Skills
- Basic knife cutting skills
Related Careers/Skills Graphic Designer, IT careers (Sector: Technology)

Description In this workshop, participants will learn about design thinking, UI/UX and design a simulated app that solves a community issue. Lead in partnership with GoIT, a digital engagement program where students learn how technology and computer science play a role in many careers.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 6-9.
This is a multi-day session, beginning at 2:00 PM each day of March Break (Monday to Friday). Registered participants should plan to attend all 5 sessions. On the last day of this week – long session, participants will be given the opportunity to present their final project to the group to show off their app design!
- Access to an e-mail address to login to code.org
- A desktop/laptop computer is recommended
Health & Safety Awareness Presentation
Virtual Speaker
Related Careers/Skills This workshop covers safety skills that are transferable to all careers!
Description To deliver health and safety awareness to new and young workers, or school-aged children. The idea is to help students identify health and safety concerns in the world around them and act in an appropriate manner after assessing the related risks.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
Introduction to Digital Mapmaking with QGIS
Related Careers/Skills Information Systems (GIS), Cartography, Computer Skills, Digital Design, Spatial Skills
This digital mapmaking activity is targeted at map lovers who have little to no experience creating maps digitally using geographic information systems (GIS). Participants will get to create a topographic map of Algonquin Park and (if time permits) a thematic map displaying Canada’s population by province, all using real-world data. While all maps require key elements such as a title, legend, scale bar, etc., participants are encouraged to be creative with their maps and to make them their own. At the end of the workshop, participants will be provided with additional resources should they wish to delve further into the world of GIS.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
- Keyboard
- A mouse (optional but highly recommended)
- A computer running any operating system except for Chrome OS
- QGIS (a free GIS software) should be installed on the computer prior to the start of the workshop (details below): Prior to attending the workshop, participants should download version 3.16 of QGIS (the most recent long-term release) using the standalone installer here: https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html. QGIS is a free, well-maintained, and powerful GIS software that works on both Windows and Mac. QGIS does not work on tablets, smartphones, or Chromebooks.
Learn to Build a Paper Cargo Plane Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Aircraft Mechanic/Technician (Sector: Motive Power)
Description In this workshop participants will build a paper airplane, and test out how much cargo their plane can hold.
- 1 Piece of paper
- Tape (any kind)
- 6 dimes
- Measuring tape
Required Skills Dexterity, basic math skills, and the ability to use/read a measuring tape.
Learn to Build a Kite Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Engineer/Design (Sector: Motive Power)
In this workshop, participants will build a kite using basic supplies and will decorate their creation, allowing their creativity to shine through.
- newspaper or kraft paper
- scissors
- twine or string
- tape or glue (tape recommended if your string unravels easily)
- 2-3 sticks that are 2-3 feet long, one slightly shorter than the others (balsa wood sticks recommended)
- small knife for carving notches into the sticks
- stickers
- markers
- tail ribbon
- extra sticks and paper
- Paint and paintbrushes
Learn to Make a Pizza Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Chef (Sector: Motive Power)
Description In this workshop, participants will learn to make pizza dough from scratch and prepare their favourite toppings to create their perfect custom pizza.
- oven
- sturdy pizza pan or baking sheet
- mixing bowl
- mixing spoon
- measuring cups
- measuring spoons
- cutting board
- chef knife
- cheese grater
- oven mitts
- rolling pin
- 4 cups flour + more for dusting
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 2¼ teaspoon instant yeast (or one package)
- 1½ cups warm water (about 40 degrees C)
- 1/3 cups olive oil + more for proofing & preparing pizza pan
Toppings (choose 2-6 preferred toppings)
- favourite prepared pizza sauce
- mozzarella cheese (or preferred cheese)
- pepperoni (or other prepared/cooked meats)
- onions
- mushrooms
- bell peppers
- jalapeño peppers
- pineapples
- olives
- spinach
- garlic
- Know how to use an oven
- Basic knife skills
Related Careers/Skills Agronomist, Scientist, Transportation, Health, Retail

Description Students examine the health, economic, social and environmental benefits of eating local as well as the challenges it presents
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7 - 12 .
Materials No materials necessary
Aliment local |
Please click "Francais" at the top right corner of this webpage to view all workshops being held in French.
Related Careers/Skills Horticulture Technician
Description In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of planting seeds and gardening.
- Planting soil (highest quality is recommended)
- Plant potter of any size
- Seeds (any type of seeds will work)
- Water
- Water jug or cup
- Trowel gardening hand tool
Skills For YOUR Future Work Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Transferable employability skills

Description In this interactive workshop, students will explore the connections between their high school courses, extracurricular activities, and other life experiences as transferable employability skills. Students will gain an understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on all sectors in the workforce including how employers are hiring. Using Unearth Education Éveillée’s 7 Influencer Wheel, students will identify their current SKILLS and learn about career exploration resources.
Materials No materials necessary
Skilled Trades Gameshow Workshop
Related Careers/Skills This workshop includes simple hands-on challenges that are transferable to many Skilled Trade & Technology Careers.
Description In this workshop participants will participate in a variety of timed challenges to explore the skilled trades.
- 1 Balloon
- 10 Cheerios
- 1 Set of chopsticks or 2 food skewers
- 10 stackable cups (ex. red party cups)
- 2 Dimes
- Masking tape
- 5 marbles or 5 small toy cars
- 1 Circle shaped cookie
- 3 Sewing needles
- 1 Piece of thread (approximately .5 Meter)
- 1 Small ball of playdough or sticky wall tack
Required Skills Dexterity
Technology & Innovations Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Biotechnician, Agriculture Engineer, Robotics, Computer Science

Description Students will critically examine the impact that agriculture technologies have on crop yields, the environment, cost of food, on farm workers etc. These technologies could include the use of robotics, precision agriculture, unmanned aerial vehicles, geospatial mapping, 3D printing etc.
This activity is intended for participants in grade 7-12.
Materials No materials necessary
Vanilla Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting Workshop
Related Careers/Skills Baker
Description In this workshop, participants will learn about kitchen safety through making their own vanilla cupcakes and buttercream frosting from scratch.
- electric mixer or mixing bowl and spoon
- oven
- mixing bowl
- mixing spoon
- muffin pan
- cupcake liners
- toothpicks
- measuring spoons
- measuring cups
- oven mitts
- piping bag and tips
- 1 1/3 cups flour
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1 and ¼ teaspoon baking poweder
- 2 large eggs
- 1 ½ teaspoons salt
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- ½ cup butter, unsalted
- ½ cup full fat sour cream
- 1 cup softened, unsalted butter
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 3 cups confectioner’s sugar
- 2 tablespoons heavy cream
- Cooling rack
- Rubber spatula
- 1 gel food colour
- sprinkles